B2B Reads: MQL’s Suck, 5 Needed Steps to Build Empathy, Opportunity- Based Marketing to Close Deals and More!



Some of our favorite B2B sales and marketing posts from around the web this week.

Every Saturday morning we share some of our favorite B2B sales & marketing posts from around the web from the last week (so it’s fresh!). We’ll miss a ton of great stuff, so if you found something you think is worth sharing please let us know.

The State Of Business Buying, 2024 New Data from Forester
This report presents insights from Forrester’s Buyers’ Journey Survey, 2024 to help providers comprehend the obstacles buyers encounter and how to upend outdated go-to-market strategies to enable buyers to make better decisions.

MQL’s Suck By Kerry Cunninham
When Kerry  talks about how hashtag#MQLsSuck, he often fails to distinguish that some hashtag#MQLs are hashtag#handraisers. They don’t suck. But…

How B2B Marketers Can Harness AI For Future Growth By Mark Emond
We have come a long way from cold beer and warm food. The next era of AI-driven B2B marketing is here. Visionary CMOs who take a strategic approach to adopting it now could see transformative results.

The 5 Steps Needed To Build Empathy In B2B Sales & Marketing By Kelly Lindenau
Every buyer wants to get a good deal, but they also want to be the hero of their team or organization by showing off their win. If you can identify with buyers and empower them, they will be more loyal than you.

How Opportunity-Based Marketing Aligns Your Teams and Helps Close Deals By Tina Katic-Michalos
Your marketing team has a great opportunity to set the tone for how AI is used across your organization. You’re closer to the customers than most other departments, and can show how adopting AI helps you be more efficient. Learn all about this B2B marketing strategy that gets your teams working in lockstep to engage buying groups

Want to brainstorm? Get in touch.