B2B Reads: 20 B2B Marketing Strategies for 2025, Is GTM Intelligence the Next Big Thing? and More!



Some of our favorite B2B sales and marketing posts from around the web this week.

Every Saturday morning we share some of our favorite B2B sales & marketing posts from around the web from the last week (so it’s fresh!). We’ll miss a ton of great stuff, so if you found something you think is worth sharing please let us know.

GTM Intelligence: the Next Big Thing in B2B Sales & Marketing By Jam Khan
The companies that adopt GTM Intelligence today will define the future of B2B marketing and sales. The question is: Will you lead the way?

B2B Sales are Changing – How Sales and Marketing are Winning By Kai Bösterling
Hybrid customer management in B2B: a lot will change. The boundaries between marketing and sales will become increasingly blurred in the coming years. Those who adapt to this development at an early stage can set the course for sustainable success.

20 B2B Marketing Strategies for 2025 By Kit Fox
To achieve sustainable growth, companies need to leverage a variety of tactics to build relationships and stay ahead. In this article, we will explore 20 actionable strategies that will help position your brand for long-term success.

How the Salesforce Lead Object Broke B2B Marketing (and How to Fix It) By Eric Dates
Effective sales and marketing in B2B relies on accounts. Salesforce was designed to focus on leads. Therein lies the problem. This problem isn’t because of technology, though. It’s all about mindset.

Why Most B2B Marketing and Sales AI Projects Aren’t Successful Yet By Mark Brohan
Recent Forrester research found that only 5% of U.S. AI decision-makers expect to see ROI within a year, while 46% are willing to wait three or more years for positive returns. The pressure to see immediate productivity gains is likely to lead to hiring freezes and added pressure on sales teams. To succeed, organizations must acknowledge that adopting genAI will require extra effort in the short term but will pay off eventually.

Want to brainstorm? Get in touch.