B2B Reads: Mental Health, Role Plays, and Taco Tuesday


In addition to our Sunday App of the Week feature, we also summarize some of our favorite B2B sales & marketing posts from around the Web each week. We’ll miss a ton of great stuff, so if you found something you think is worth sharing please add it to the comments below.

Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace in 2021: Three Ways to Give Support
COVID has no doubt had a huge effect on everyone’s mental health. Here are some ways to help in the workplace. Thanks for the advice, Stacy Adams.

Are Blogs Dead in 2021? We Asked 10 Marketing Experts
It seems that we all have an obsession for killing things off. Are blogs the next thing on the chopping block? Great read, Martina Bretous.

Six Tips for Measuring Your LinkedIn Ad Campaigns [Infographic]
Great infographic to ensure you’re getting a full view of your LinkedIn ad campaign performance. Thanks, Ayaz Nanji.

What To Do After Your Presentation
It’s important to leverage the time after your presentations to make the most impact, which can be done with just two simple steps. Great advice via Ethos3.

How B2B CMOs Can Respond To Their CEOs’ Need For Certainty
This past year everyone has experienced a lot of uncertainty causing a lot of companies to make some major changes. Thanks for your insight, Meta Karagianni.

What’s The Best Way To Give A Remote Presentation?
Some helpful tips for creating the best remote presentation. Thanks, Dr. Jim Anderson.

Organizational Effectiveness: Is Taco Tuesday the New Normal?
Your team may be fragmenting in the work-from-home environment, causing concern for many CEOs. Here are a few concepts to consider if your company is struggling with this. Thanks for the tips, Todd Ordal.

Inside The Black Box: Designing Sensors To Decode B2B Buying Signals
A look at moving from click-based engagement to real-time buyer enablement. Great article, Jessie Johnson.

The Power Of Role Plays
Role plays can be a valuable tool for consulting, training, and coaching. Thanks for your thoughts, David Brock.

Four Ways to Maintain the Human Element of the Sales Process
With most things being done remotely these days, it’s harder than ever to maintain the human element of the sales process. Thanks for the advice, Mike Montague.