Checklist for Implementing Marketing Orchestration



Struggling to align marketing and sales? This blog provides a practical 6-step guide to help you with your marketing orchestration journey. Learn how to enhance speed to market, scalability, and workforce productivity for consistent success in B2B marketing programs.

By Karla Sanders, Engagement Manager at Heinz Marketing

If your organization struggles with aligning marketing and sales efforts, you are not alone.

The challenge we face today is the increasing complexity of B2B marketing programs. These programs require seamless coordination across various channels, departments, and constituents. The key to consistent success in navigating complex buying situations lies in maintaining process excellence. A dedicated approach to disciplined marketing workflows, encompassing campaign development and execution, fosters cross-functional collaboration, enhances agility, and propels the achievement of revenue goals. The more intricate your go-to-market (GTM) motion, the more significant the impact of an optimized demand workflow on your outcomes.

Why Organizations Need Marketing OrchestrationChaos

Speed to Market – Consistency in ‘Time to Market’
  • Ensure a reliable and consistent approach to meeting deadlines.
  • Provide teams with the time required to produce and launch high-quality work that aligns with your goals.
  • Minimize costly mistakes and reduce the risk of employee burnout.

Scalability – Structured Support for Intelligent Scaling

  • Establish a structure that intelligently scales with the growth of your organization.
  • Optimize processes without sacrificing clarity.
  • Foster cross-functional communication to support seamless scalability.
A Productive Workforce – Identifying Bottlenecks and Problem-Solving
  • Empower teams to identify and address bottlenecks efficiently.
  • Ensure realistic assessments of capacity and resources.
  • Improve overall work quality through enhanced efficiency and productivity.



Here’s a practical 6-step checklist to guide your teams toward success, ensuring you’re prepared to offer enhanced value to your customers.

1. Common Understanding and Leadership

  • Ensure all teams acknowledge the problem and collaborate towards a solution.
  • Foster a shared understanding of success, even if the precise steps are not yet clear.
  • Appoint a champion from the leadership team with experience in both departments to prevent silo mentalities and bias.

2. Assessment of Current State

  • Identify the current state of your workflow.
  • Pinpoint existing gaps and challenges within teams.
  • Devise strategies to address these challenges.

3. Deliverables Taxonomy and RACI

  • Establish consistent definitions for deliverables.
  • Identify stakeholders.
  • Define roles and responsibilities in the workflow – Accountability vs. Consult vs. Inform.

4. Implement Tools for Accountability

  • Utilize tools like, Uptempo, and Sales Enablement Platforms for seamless integration with existing systems.
  • Ensure marketing automation tools are integrated.

5. Plan for Continuous Training and Housekeeping

  • Prioritize ongoing training to keep teams updated.
  • Establish proper housekeeping practices.

6. Develop a Sustainable GTM Workflow

  • Define key inputs/outputs, deliverables/milestones, and success metrics.
  • Specify roles required and utilize project management and planning tools.
  • Monitor progress, document findings, and report to teams and leaders.


Championing marketing orchestration in any organization is no small feat. If you believe your company could benefit from understanding its current state, developing a clear path to success, or needing expert guidance in real time, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact me at for a no-commitment chat to help you move forward. Identify gaps, establish accountability, and unlock your market potential alongside our team.

For additional resources on marketing orchestration, explore our collection here: Heinz Marketing – Marketing Orchestration.

Heinz Marketing Change Management guide