5 Asset Types for your Sales Teams to Use


By Win Salyards, Marketing Coordinator at Heinz Marketing

An often overlooked part of content marketing is where it aligns with sales enablement. Marketers can get hung up on developing easy-to-produce content for potential customers while forgetting the need for internal or limited customer-facing bottom-funnel assets. So with that in mind, here are 5 asset types for your sales teams to use during the sale.

Sales Checklists

Sales checklists are a great way to help your sales teams make the most of the leads and accounts you send them by ensuring they pull together all of the critical information to build a personalized sales messages when engaging them. These also ensure that accounts are prioritized well and qualified.

Case Studies

These are a classic that every marketer should already know. The case study is a great immediate way for salespeople to build off marketing campaigns and get potential customers great bottom-funnel info fast. They may be more intensive to put together, but they are also parent-content for small pieces sales could also use, such as one-pagers or executive summaries.

Sales Scripts

Scripts and talking points are an excellent way to support salespeople during calls or when they’re meeting in person with potential customers. They can be utilized as a part of a new go-to-market for new products or support new salespersons during onboarding. Overall, they’re always something to have available and update regularly.

Onboarding Content

Often developed with the help of a customer success team, onboarding content can be superbly effective at creating a welcoming experience for a new customer. These not only include training materials or timelines but direct mail pieces thanking them for their partnership. For the customer, this type of content can be a cherry on top for a good sale experience. For the salesperson, it is a great way to pass the baton from them to the rep in charge of the new account.

Product Pages

A product page is a great way to support your sales team. They keep product info close at hand for reference during a call and can help your sales teams get past technical or legal validators with well-produced and informative product pages. These can come in various forms–not just a page–including technical video introductions or spec sheets. A salesperson can’t know everything about your product, giving them the right tools to give prospects the answers they need.

Hopefully, these 5 asset types for your sales teams give you some sales enablement inspiration. Happy selling.