B2B Reads: Leveraging Emotional Intelligence, Getting Attribution Right, Great Video Marketing and More!



Some of our favorite B2B sales and marketing posts from around the web this week.

Every Saturday morning we share some of our favorite B2B sales & marketing posts from around the web from the last week (so it’s fresh!). We’ll miss a ton of great stuff, so if you found something you think is worth sharing please let us know.

The Pros and Cons of BDRs in B2B Sales and Marketing By Nick Kane
A BDR’s effectiveness hinges on various factors. And they may not be right for all organizations. Here, explore the role of BDRs, the pros and cons, and best practices to utilize them effectively

14 Content Challenges Marketers Are Facing (And How To Overcome Them) By Forbes Communications Council
14 members of Forbes Communications Council discuss some of the challenges B2B marketers are facing when it comes to content marketing today, as well as how they recommend overcoming those obstacles.
Leveraging Emotional Intelligence in B2B Sales By Demandbase
This article explores the complexity of emotional intelligence and how a deeper understanding of it can lead to better communication in sales and marketing. Also discussed is how to better one’s emotional intelligence (and why it’s so important) and tactics for utilizing a strong emotional awareness in sales and marketing.

B2B Marketing Attribution: How to Get it Right By Steffen Hedebrandt
Marketers shouldn’t be looking to invent stuff that isn’t there. But you should be super curious about what is actually there and trying to repeat the stuff that clearly works.  Here’s how.

What Makes for Great B2B Video Marketing? By Annie Zelm
In this post, Annie uncovers what makes B2B video marketing effective and shares some examples of videos and strategies that drive results.

B2B Marketing Case Studies That Stick By impact
In this B2B marketing case study compilation, we take a look at five different brands and the ways in which they enhanced their B2B marketing efforts in today’s hyper-saturated marketplace.