Staying Connected to your Customers While at Home


By Pei-Ming Tokuda, Marketing Intern at Heinz Marketing

Many of us are home staying safe and protecting the public from COVID-19, but it has still been a demanding time. It is hard to stay focused and positive through it all when there is still so much unknown about when this will come to an end. Instead of speculating on the “end” focus on what can be done now because when it is all over, your customers will remember who stayed connected with them through it all. Once the world is running again, customers will return to the business that kept them engaged and informed. Staying connected to your audience is more important now than ever, so here are a few tips on how to keep your audience engaged.

Keep customers informed on what your business is doing to stay safe during COVID-19.

We are all doing our part staying home during quarantine for our own safety and for others as well. Your customers will want to know what preventative measures your business is taking on to flatten the curve. Informing your customers your business is following guidelines but also what that looks like for your company’s productivity.

If your business is taking its work online and remotely, make it clear to your customers how they can reach you. These updates can be posts on the company’s web page or in a blog post. People are highly aware of health safety during this time and they will make a note if your business was also being health conscious— boosting their confidence in your business.

Stay connected over social media

People are checking their phones and computers now more than ever in order to stay informed and connected with friends and family. Therefore, it is important to stay active on social channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay on your customer’s radar.

Make sure information is always up to date in these platforms, especially now since many businesses have taken their work remote. These are the platforms where you can offer information about how your brand can be of help, or updates about company news. Be empathetic during this difficult time, understand your customers situation, and cater to their current needs. Posts should be positive and inclusive but should also center around your businesses strategic vision. The more your company is active on your audience’s feed, the more they will keep you in mind.

Focus on helping through digital channels

This is important for the one-on-one connection; these channels are where your customers can have direct interaction with your company. Make sure to give direct lines of communication such as phone numbers and emails for quick access. Offer video chat services to stay in face-to-face contact as much as need be. This is all great for keeping projects running as normally as the situation gives and this way there should be no miscommunication.

Offering these services will show your customers that when there is a global pandemic, your company is prepared and ready to continue to provide excellent service. Direct contact with customers will add the most value to customer relationships because it sets the standard that your company knows how to be productive in a crisis.

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Stay safe and stay connected!