B2B Reads: Pushy Sellers, Email Deliverability Challenges, & Making Content More Human


In addition to our Sunday App of the Week feature, we also summarize some of our favorite B2B sales & marketing posts from around the web each week. We’ll miss a ton of great stuff, so if you found something you think is worth sharing please add it to the comments below.

Buyers Are Under Pressure To Prove ROI and Other B2B Fallacies
Here are some great insights into the facts surrounding the ‘changing B2B buyer’ to determine what is not true and helpful and what you need to do to win in B2B today. Thank you, Kerry Cunningham, for the great read.

Are You Pushing Too Hard?
Are you pushing the sale too hard with your prospects and clients? Sometimes sellers don’t know when to slow down on persistence and actually repel the client away. Thank you for the great read, Colleen Francis.

What Happens When You Forget What You Wanted To Say?
We have all experienced what it’s like to forget what we wanted to say and there is no better timing for it to happen than in the middle of a presentation. So if it happens to you, what should you do? Thank you, Drjim, for the great read.

How To Productively Knock Out Those 2-minute Tasks
Blocking out time on our calendar is great for diving deep into specific tasks. But you might be thinking, what about the tasks that require but a few minutes, that you can knock out in around two minutes? Thank you for the great read, Naphtali Hoff.

Why B2B brands Face Unique- and Sometimes Self-inflicted- Email Deliverability Challenges
Email deliverability can feel out of your control. However, now that Google Workspace and Outlook 365 are making serious inroads into the corporate email market, B2B email deliverability is behaving more like deliverability for B2C brands. Thank you, Chad S. White, for the great read.

B2B Content Marketing Insights for 2022
Companies are waking up to the power of content marketing due in part to the pandemic. Here are insights into what content marketing is looking like post-pandemic. Thank you for the great read, Stephanie Stahl.

In People We Trust: How To Make Your Content More Human
Most of the work we do as marketers is focused on the future – predicting it, transforming our businesses to succeed in it, and helping our customers solve their expected challenges. How can content marketers tap into this desire for connection at a time when people trust other people more than they trust brands? Thank you for the great read, Jodi Harris.

The Power of Us
Here are 5 key insights based on research that investigates into the psychology and neuroscience of implicit bias, group identity, team performance, decision-making, and public health, how people’s identities affect conformity and dissent, racism and ageism, solidarity, health, and leadership. Thank you for the great read, Jay Van Bavel and Dominic J. Packer.

How To Lead When Your Team Lacks a Sense of Urgency
People’s sense of urgency varies. Schedule the finish to get everyone on the same page. Thank you for the great read, David Dye.

16 Effective Ways To Create An Evergreen Video Ad Campaign
Consumers are engaging with online video more than ever, and social media users are constantly on the lookout for exciting stories to share with friends and followers online. This means the hype that a timely piece of video content creates can fade fast these days. Thank you for the great read, Expert Panel at Forbes.